Audience Analytics 360°

Unlock detailed insights on your audience’s profile, propensities,
journeys, and conversions at the segment-of-one level.

Overall Audience Engagement Insights
Overall audience engagement insights Icon

See the reach, engagement, conversion, and virality rates of your entire audience. Build on behavioral insights around when and where your audience interact most with your communications.

Recognize your top audiences and their individual journeys with you. Strategize more effective marketing efforts with intelligence on audiences categorized according to their brand affinity and sentiments.

360° Individual Audience profile 360° individual audience profile Icon

Find all you need to know about the individual audience member in a single, comprehensive profile. Explore everything from their campaign participation and profile insights to channel preferences, profile completeness, lead score, interests, campaign participation, and so much more.

Utilize our individualized interaction timelines to examine how your audience has interacted with you over time or during a specific period to create more relevant experiences across channels. Easily integrate these individual profiles and interaction timelines with your CRM system to contextualize future offline and online marketing engagement.

Identify the existing customers and potential leads in your audience’s social networks to guide referral communications.

Unlock Powerful Audience and Marketing Insights with RESUL.

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Blog Interesting vs Actionable: Three Essential Criteria for Evaluating Data Learn more
Infographics Periodic table of RESUL Analytics Learn more